Friday 29 May 2009

Choking on Adam's Apple

I saw Angels and Demons last night (Ewan McGregor, yes please!). I've got to say as contrived as the ending of that book is, I still adore it and it's all too familiar vicariousness (I think I remember fittingly listening to Tool's 10,000 Days album whilst reading it. I have no shame for some of my musical tastes). All it really did was resurface my desperate desire to visit Rome and the Vatican City. That and my entirely random fascination for Biblical religion (historically, not spiritually) and its associated iconography. I'm completely geeking out about my chosen lectures next year being on the obsession of the apocalypse and the Book of Revelations within art, literature, music and film.

There's something so intense about European Catholic churches and cathedrals. I'm so badly cursing the PC at home right now for crashing and losing all my photos from Vienna 3 years ago.

( flickr )

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a couple of books by Umberto Eco and finally get round to buying some Dante Alighieri. Now that I have time again to myself to read (though I really ought to finish the other two books I'm in the middle of first!).

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